emo+boy_ hairstyles

emo boys hairstyles


Emo is the newly developed fashion, regarding hair styles all the way with fashion with it's own attitude. Not willing to follow the "dress code" of others emo has developed its own way of fashion. Emo Hairstyles for boys. Add unique hair or hair colors that you have found, or post a picture of your new and old hair and get it rated! Also a great place for getting ideas and tips for your next hairstyle. Also, you can get some more hair ideas in the hot emo guys gallery.

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The image “http://www.style-hair-magazine.com/image-files/emo-hair-style1.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

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The image “http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l290/the_emoboy_blog/svartvit.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

How do others describe emo?
The definition of emo ranges greatly depending upon who you talk to or where you read it. If you talk with some who is not emo the definition can range from "Emo is like goth but less dark and more Harry Potter" to "An excuse for guys to wear tight pants...". It's a growing trend to dis-like emos among those who are too afraid to truly express themselves.

The true definition?
Originally, emo was a genre of music in the late 80's and early 90's. That form of music has been lost, and we now have modern emo. You hear a lot of whinning from these original "emo" guys, but the truth is, emo does not mean what it meant a decade ago.

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